
Success at the 2021 Oppies

Cobalt Sky were announced as winners of the Best Data Collection (Online) award at the 2021 edition of the MRS Operational Excellence Awards.

Posted 3 years ago

by Rich Else

Cobalt Sky were announced as winners of the Best Data Collection (Online) award at the 2021 edition of the MRS Operational Excellence Awards. It was a particularly satisfying win for the Data Collection team who have been finalists for the award for 7 years in a row, before winning it this time. Here’s what the judges said:

Cobalt Sky created a statistically-driven Google search environment to allow the most interactive and realistic experience for respondents taking part in this project. The research was for The Behavioural Architects working on behalf of Google. The experience was designed to test what makes online adverts most appealing. A great deal of care was taken to replicate fonts, icons and backgrounds etc. so everything displayed authentically on different devices. A pilot was undertaken to ensure the thousands of versions of conjoint could be fully scaled. The judges noted the complexity and the attention to detail, as well as impressive scale of this research”

We were also up for the Operational Excellence award, making it the 8th year running we’ve been finalists for that. Whilst we didn’t win it this time, we were still very proud to be selected as finalists in a very strong field. Our team have worked so hard over the last 12 months, adapting to remote working whilst managing to maintain high standards on all projects, so we’re all over the moon to see our efforts recognised by the Oppies judges. 

The event was virtual again this year for obvious reasons, however we still managed to get a good group together in the office to watch along with the live stream followed by a celebratory curry afterwards. Hopefully next year we can celebrate together again like the old days.  Finally, we just wanted to congratulate all winners and finalists on their achievements over the last 12 months.

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